Schipt TA-system

Få kontroll på era transporter​ med det mest adaptiva TA-systemet på marknaden

Schipt TA-system för transportadministration

With a Transport Administration system, you can book shipments with all of your carriers in one system. Ni kan spara enorma mängder tid, jämfört med att boka frakterna manuellt, via telefon eller transportörernas hemsidor. Schipt transportadministration ger er dessutom full koll på era transporter utan att ni ens behöver öppna systemet. Med hjälp av vår kraftfulla integrationsmotor är Schipt TA helt integrerat med ert affärssystem. Ni registrerar ordern och Schipt TA sköter resten. Systemet sätts upp helt efter era behov och skickar automatiskt bokningen till transportören, skriver ut de dokument ni behöver, när ni behöver dem, aviserar era kunder om den kommande leveransen (antingen via mejl eller SMS) och återrapporterar spårningsinformation till ert affärssystem. Har ni behov för det så skapar systemet även automatiskt en retursändning och ger er möjlighet att skicka med returetiketten till kunden för enkel returhantering.

Schipt TA is easy to use, cheap to run and guaranteed to be the most adaptive TA system on the market. The system supports a number of carriers that are included from the start at a fixed price, regardless of the number of shipments. Let your business grow, without increasing your costs.

  • Fixed price

    Let your business grow unhindered. With Schipt TA you pay a fixed annual cost, regardless of the number of carriers, shipments or users. Enjoy your success, without worrying about increased costs or system limitations.

  • Customizable

    We believe that the system should be shaped around the business, and not the other way around. Thanks to our development platform, we can offer our customers highly adaptive systems at competitive prices. Let our knowledgeable consultants set up the system completely according to your needs, or make changes yourself with our developer license.

  • Integrations

    Schipt comes with a powerful integration engine that simplifies the connection to your other systems. We support most of our competitors' integration files, which means that you can reuse your current integration. Cost-effective and flexible!

  • Personal support

    We are there for your business. Call or email us and get personal support from knowledgeable staff who quickly deal with your problems, questions and concerns.

Detta får du med Schipt TA-system

Let your business grow unhindered. With Schipt TA you pay a fixed annual cost, regardless of the number of carriers, shipments or users. Enjoy your success, without worrying about increased costs or system limitations.

Schipt TA offers a variety of transport booking formats, to help you connect to your carriers as easily as possible. Of course, we support the classic formats such as EDI and API.

Do you use carriers that don’t accept bookings via EDI/API? Then you can use an alternative booking method in Schipt called email booking. The system emails the carrier all the required shipping information, the carrier can respond to the booking and the response is reported back to Schipt. Email booking is incredibly easy to use, both for you and the carrier.

Schipt can also handle shipments to be collected by the customer at your location, and will notify the customer when the goods are ready for collection.

Returns don’t have to be complicated. With Schipt TA, you can handle your returns in the way that best suits your business. Print a return slip and include it with the package, send the return slip to the customer via email, or create a return shipment only if necessary, with a single press of a button.
Does your business handle goods that are classified as dangerous? Schipt TA has a well-developed system for handling your dangerous goods and follows all of the requirements placed on your business when sending that type of goods.

Schipt is installed locally on a server in your internal network. This is what enables the great flexibility of Schipt. Your Schipt installation will be completely unique and can be adapted to your business, regardless of other Schipt customers.

Contact us for questions about the technical requirements for Schipt.

After Schipt is installed, users can access the system directly through the browser, provided they are connected to your internal network. We recommend Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge for best performance, but you can also run Schipt in other browsers.

With Schipt TA, you get an unlimited number of users who can book transports and print shipping documents. You also get 10 administrative users who can add new carriers, change templates or do other administrative work in the system.

Schipt TA offers several different possibilities for registering shipments. Of course, you can integrate Schipt with your ERP system to create the shipments automatically. But you can also register shipments manually in the system, if necessary. Schipt TA has a quick entry mode for manual registration. A couple of clicks and the shipment is created, booked and ready.

Do you have questions or complaints about a shipment? Via Schipt, you can easily create an email containing all shipping information and attach images or other files as needed.

For more advanced complaint handling, see Schipt OPZ.

Schipt TA has full-scale support for handling mantle freights. Mantle freights combine a number of orders in one and the same shipment. The goods are first transported to a terminal or distribution center, where it is divided and distributed to the consignee. 

Get an overview of your shipments in an instant.

When you log in to Schipt TA, you are greeted directly by a dashboard with KPIs around your shipments. The dashboard is delivered with a number of standard KPIs, but there is also the possibility to change the dashboard according to the needs of your business.

Schipt TA supports a number of carriers, which you get connect to, completely free of charge. The system is continuously expanded with more carriers. Many competitors charge per activated carrier, but not Schipt!

You can find a list of the carriers we support here. Is the carrier you are looking for not on the list? Get in touch with us and we'll sort it out.

With Schipt TA, you decide for yourself which shipping documents you need and when in the process these should be printed. The documents in Schipt are fully compliant with your carriers' requirements.

You can also create your own document templates, depending on your business’ unique requirements and implement these into Schipt.

Provide your customers with information and reduce the pressure on your customer service. With Schipt TA, you can send customized notifications to your customers via email and SMS. Send order information, tracking links, advertising or whatever you wish. Of course, with your logo and graphical profile.

Do you need the flexibility to be able to make changes to your shipments at the last minute? No problem! With Schipts TA, you can print documents and/or send bookings for several shipments at the same time, right before the truck arrives. All it takes is a few clicks.

Schipt comes with a powerful integration engine that simplifies the connection to your other systems. We support most of our competitors' integration files, which means that you can reuse your current integration.

Cost-effective and flexible!

Add ons

Schipt Pick is a flexible solution for companies that are tired of paper pick lists, and want to digitize their business, but do not feel ready to invest in a WMS system.

The picking process is moved from the ERP system to Schipt, and saves time for your warehouse staff, who can quickly and easily manage the picking directly on a tablet. Schipt can also report back the result to the ERP system.

We are proud to be the first TA supplier on the market to offer an integration with KGHs digital customs platform CPM (SaaS). Through the integration with KGH, Schipt TA sends the necessary data for a fully automatic, electronic customs clearance, without the involvement of the carrier.

Many companies spend an unnecessary amount of time administering their shipping contracts and calculating shipping costs for the right choice of delivery. The wrong choice of carrier can lead to unnecessarily high shipping costs. Schipt Contract simplifies this work significantly, by storing all shipping contracts in one place and enabling digital administration.

Use together with Schipt OPZ for automatic selection of the best supplier, or use the system to make manual requests of shipment prices. The system also gives you the exact shipping price for each booked delivery, so you can easily charge your customers the correct shipping cost.

Simplify the everyday life of your warehouse staff. Schipt WMS manages all your warehouse flows, from inbound to outbound goods. Combine Schipt WMS and Schipt TA to print shipping documents and make a transport booking as a part of your packing process. This way, you cover the entire flow, all in one system.

It is always cheaper to send one large shipment than many small ones. Schipt's consolidation module merges orders which are to be shipped to the same delivery address on the same day, and books them on one and the same shipment.

For more advanced consolidation, see Schipt OPZ.

Activate Schipt's Track & Trace portal to gain full control over the location of your shipments. The portal can be made available to your customer service or even your customers.

Do you, like most other companies, have better invoice reconciliation for your office supplies than your transports? With Schipt Invoice Control you finally gain control over one of the company's largest expense items. The system performs automatic reconciliation, not only against the carrier contract, but also against the actual shipment, to identify deviations. Discrepancies are easily handled via the system, which creates a claim invoice remarks against the transport company.

We are proud of our collaboration with Libello AB who offers invoice reconciliation as a service. Meaning that you don't have to lift a finger to get all your shipping invoices verified.

With Schipt OPZ you allow the system to determine the best delivery method for you. The system analyzes the shipment and selects the carrier and mode of transport to make the shipment as cheap as possible.

By automating this process, you lower both your administrative and shipping costs. Out of all the systems in the Schipt portfolio, Schipt OPZ has the absolute shortest return on investment.

Do you have questions about any of our systems or services?

Welcome to contact us!